Eye Candy ReShade and ENB Preset 1.9a
This is an attempt at making gta look and feel bright and sunny. colors toned to be more to what i see in the real world. i just wanted to remove the greenish tint from everything and have it clean and vibrant. and as for the enb well the city nights never looked better, water reflections are top notch. and the chrome and car reflections are amazing.
the reshade+sweetfx2.0 and reshade+framework are seperate presets only install the one you wish to use not both. reshade+sweetfx2.0 is a simple reshade that doesn't affect fps if it does it's very little if at all. the reshade+framework is a heavier load on your pc and has more effects.
screenshots on the right of the mod page are now only showcasing reshade+framework click here for Screenshots of reshade+sweetfx
Installation: for reshade+sweetfx2.0
1: manually install the reshade+sweetfx 2.0 from here reshade+sweetfx 2.0
follow the instructions for manual installation DO NOT run the reshade.exe only copy the files from the download and manually place them into your gtav folder
2: install the latest Enb from here ENB v0275
3: copy the enb series.ini and enblocal.ini from my folder "reshade+sweetfx2.0/Grand Theft Auto V" to your Grand Theft Auto V main folder.
4: now copy the sweetfx_settings from my folders "reshade+sweetfx2.0/Grand Theft Auto V/Sweetfx " to your sweetfx folder located in your Grand Theft Auto V main folder.
launch gta and enjoy
Installation: for reshade+framework
reshade+framework Screenshots
NOTE: if your updating from eye candy 1.7/reshade+sweetfx2.0 you need to remove the following files the sweetfx folder and master effect folder, mastereffect.h, sweet.fx and reshade64.dll no need to remove the d3d11.dll, d3dcompiler_46e.dll, enblightsprite.fx, enblocal.ini or enbseries.ini just skip step 2 below.
1: manually install reshade+Framework from here Reshade+Framework follow the instructions for manual installation DO NOT run the mediator.exe only copy the files ReShade.fx, Reshade64.dll and the reshade folder and manually place them into your Grand Theft Auto V main folder.
2: install the latest enb from here ENB v0275
3: now copy the enbseries.ini and enblocal.ini from my folder "Reshade+Framework/Grand Theft Auto V" to your Grand Theft Auto V main folder.
4: now copy the reshade folder from my folders "Reshade+Framework/Grand Theft Auto V" to your Grand Theft Auto V main folder. merge and overwrite when asked.
launch gta and enjoy
WARNING!!!!! framework's ambient lighting does cause very large fps drops. up to 10 fps for me during certain times of the day depending on lighting. if it gets to be to much you can toggle off ambient lighting with the F12 key until a different time of day or location usually and then its fine. this is the only temporary solution until i can optimize the issue. if possible.
disabling unwanted effects in reshade+framework
to disable the effects you do not wish to use. go into your grand theft auto v main folder then open the reshade folder. "Grand Theft Auto V\ReShade" now open the GemFX.cfg and change the 1 in the following lines to 0 to disable them
ambient lighting
lens dirt effect linked to ambient lighting
#define AL_Lens 1
#define USE_BLOOM 1
godrays that are linked to bloom
#define USE_GODRAYS 1
Activation keys
scroll lock to toggle sweetfx coloring
F9 to toggle bloom "for reshade+framework only"
F12 to toggle ambient lighting "for reshade+framework only"
shift+F12 to toggle ENB
Screenshots taken using R*Hancher
Credits to Xilandro for this amazing timecycle mod
added additional preset for less saturation and vibrancy for Reshade+framework.
removed master effect from the reshade+sweetfx files it was basicly doing nothing in the way i had it being used. i made a mistake and thought it ran in addition to sweetfx from the main folder. this was from my error only and none of the original authors of reshade or master effect.
reshade+framework unchanged.
Screenshots using 1.8's reshade+framework
added additional preset which uses reshade+framework with beautiful results. features used in reshade+framework are
Ambient lighting with a slight lens dirt effect
bloom and godrays linked to bloom
ENB changes
ambient lighting increased in interiors and exteriors, spot lighting slightly increased.
now includes master effect.
Screenshots of 1.6
sweetfx changes: tweaked vibrance to get reds and blues to pop more without over saturating them. added hdr to give darker shadows, deeper blacks and brighter highlights.
ENB changes: tweaked sky intensity
Added optional presets for less saturation and warmer tones
Download for 1.5
Screenshots of 1.5
big changes fully reworked the presets to still get the desired effect and feel of 1.4 but more of a realisticly toned image without trashing the original image with over brightening.
Download for 1.4
screenshots of 1.4
sweetfx change: more minor adjustments to the gamma in shadowed areas at night.
Enb change: enb is now using the new lightsprite effect giving a higher definition light sprite coming from lights, and increased visibility range of the light sprites. making looking over the city at night just that much more pleasing.
sweetfx change: slight adjustment to the gamma in shadowed areas at night.
sweetfx change: minor tweaks to the highlights and shadows.
sweetfx changes: slight tweaks to coloring, saturation and improved blacks and shadows.
enb changes: water, car, chrome and window reflections slightly toned down. aswell as sky lighting tweaks and ambient lighting tweaks.
Crosire (ReShade developer)
Lucifer Hawk (GemFX developer)
CeeJay.dk (SweetFX developer)
Marty McFly (MasterEffect/McFX developer)
Ioxa and JPulowski.
ENB series
boris vorontsov
Rockstar games and the GTA modding community
GAME ON! ~Fedus
the reshade+sweetfx2.0 and reshade+framework are seperate presets only install the one you wish to use not both. reshade+sweetfx2.0 is a simple reshade that doesn't affect fps if it does it's very little if at all. the reshade+framework is a heavier load on your pc and has more effects.
screenshots on the right of the mod page are now only showcasing reshade+framework click here for Screenshots of reshade+sweetfx
Installation: for reshade+sweetfx2.0
1: manually install the reshade+sweetfx 2.0 from here reshade+sweetfx 2.0
follow the instructions for manual installation DO NOT run the reshade.exe only copy the files from the download and manually place them into your gtav folder
2: install the latest Enb from here ENB v0275
3: copy the enb series.ini and enblocal.ini from my folder "reshade+sweetfx2.0/Grand Theft Auto V" to your Grand Theft Auto V main folder.
4: now copy the sweetfx_settings from my folders "reshade+sweetfx2.0/Grand Theft Auto V/Sweetfx " to your sweetfx folder located in your Grand Theft Auto V main folder.
launch gta and enjoy
Installation: for reshade+framework
reshade+framework Screenshots
NOTE: if your updating from eye candy 1.7/reshade+sweetfx2.0 you need to remove the following files the sweetfx folder and master effect folder, mastereffect.h, sweet.fx and reshade64.dll no need to remove the d3d11.dll, d3dcompiler_46e.dll, enblightsprite.fx, enblocal.ini or enbseries.ini just skip step 2 below.
1: manually install reshade+Framework from here Reshade+Framework follow the instructions for manual installation DO NOT run the mediator.exe only copy the files ReShade.fx, Reshade64.dll and the reshade folder and manually place them into your Grand Theft Auto V main folder.
2: install the latest enb from here ENB v0275
3: now copy the enbseries.ini and enblocal.ini from my folder "Reshade+Framework/Grand Theft Auto V" to your Grand Theft Auto V main folder.
4: now copy the reshade folder from my folders "Reshade+Framework/Grand Theft Auto V" to your Grand Theft Auto V main folder. merge and overwrite when asked.
launch gta and enjoy
WARNING!!!!! framework's ambient lighting does cause very large fps drops. up to 10 fps for me during certain times of the day depending on lighting. if it gets to be to much you can toggle off ambient lighting with the F12 key until a different time of day or location usually and then its fine. this is the only temporary solution until i can optimize the issue. if possible.
disabling unwanted effects in reshade+framework
to disable the effects you do not wish to use. go into your grand theft auto v main folder then open the reshade folder. "Grand Theft Auto V\ReShade" now open the GemFX.cfg and change the 1 in the following lines to 0 to disable them
ambient lighting
lens dirt effect linked to ambient lighting
#define AL_Lens 1
#define USE_BLOOM 1
godrays that are linked to bloom
#define USE_GODRAYS 1
Activation keys
scroll lock to toggle sweetfx coloring
F9 to toggle bloom "for reshade+framework only"
F12 to toggle ambient lighting "for reshade+framework only"
shift+F12 to toggle ENB
Screenshots taken using R*Hancher
Credits to Xilandro for this amazing timecycle mod
added additional preset for less saturation and vibrancy for Reshade+framework.
removed master effect from the reshade+sweetfx files it was basicly doing nothing in the way i had it being used. i made a mistake and thought it ran in addition to sweetfx from the main folder. this was from my error only and none of the original authors of reshade or master effect.
reshade+framework unchanged.
Screenshots using 1.8's reshade+framework
added additional preset which uses reshade+framework with beautiful results. features used in reshade+framework are
Ambient lighting with a slight lens dirt effect
bloom and godrays linked to bloom
ENB changes
ambient lighting increased in interiors and exteriors, spot lighting slightly increased.
now includes master effect.
Screenshots of 1.6
sweetfx changes: tweaked vibrance to get reds and blues to pop more without over saturating them. added hdr to give darker shadows, deeper blacks and brighter highlights.
ENB changes: tweaked sky intensity
Added optional presets for less saturation and warmer tones
Download for 1.5
Screenshots of 1.5
big changes fully reworked the presets to still get the desired effect and feel of 1.4 but more of a realisticly toned image without trashing the original image with over brightening.
Download for 1.4
screenshots of 1.4
sweetfx change: more minor adjustments to the gamma in shadowed areas at night.
Enb change: enb is now using the new lightsprite effect giving a higher definition light sprite coming from lights, and increased visibility range of the light sprites. making looking over the city at night just that much more pleasing.
sweetfx change: slight adjustment to the gamma in shadowed areas at night.
sweetfx change: minor tweaks to the highlights and shadows.
sweetfx changes: slight tweaks to coloring, saturation and improved blacks and shadows.
enb changes: water, car, chrome and window reflections slightly toned down. aswell as sky lighting tweaks and ambient lighting tweaks.
Crosire (ReShade developer)
Lucifer Hawk (GemFX developer)
CeeJay.dk (SweetFX developer)
Marty McFly (MasterEffect/McFX developer)
Ioxa and JPulowski.
ENB series
boris vorontsov
Rockstar games and the GTA modding community
GAME ON! ~Fedus
Eerste Upload: 23 juni 2015
Laatst bijgewerkt: 30 augustus 2015
Laatst Gedownload: 18 uur geleden
166 Reacties
More mods by Fedus:
This is an attempt at making gta look and feel bright and sunny. colors toned to be more to what i see in the real world. i just wanted to remove the greenish tint from everything and have it clean and vibrant. and as for the enb well the city nights never looked better, water reflections are top notch. and the chrome and car reflections are amazing.
the reshade+sweetfx2.0 and reshade+framework are seperate presets only install the one you wish to use not both. reshade+sweetfx2.0 is a simple reshade that doesn't affect fps if it does it's very little if at all. the reshade+framework is a heavier load on your pc and has more effects.
screenshots on the right of the mod page are now only showcasing reshade+framework click here for Screenshots of reshade+sweetfx
Installation: for reshade+sweetfx2.0
1: manually install the reshade+sweetfx 2.0 from here reshade+sweetfx 2.0
follow the instructions for manual installation DO NOT run the reshade.exe only copy the files from the download and manually place them into your gtav folder
2: install the latest Enb from here ENB v0275
3: copy the enb series.ini and enblocal.ini from my folder "reshade+sweetfx2.0/Grand Theft Auto V" to your Grand Theft Auto V main folder.
4: now copy the sweetfx_settings from my folders "reshade+sweetfx2.0/Grand Theft Auto V/Sweetfx " to your sweetfx folder located in your Grand Theft Auto V main folder.
launch gta and enjoy
Installation: for reshade+framework
reshade+framework Screenshots
NOTE: if your updating from eye candy 1.7/reshade+sweetfx2.0 you need to remove the following files the sweetfx folder and master effect folder, mastereffect.h, sweet.fx and reshade64.dll no need to remove the d3d11.dll, d3dcompiler_46e.dll, enblightsprite.fx, enblocal.ini or enbseries.ini just skip step 2 below.
1: manually install reshade+Framework from here Reshade+Framework follow the instructions for manual installation DO NOT run the mediator.exe only copy the files ReShade.fx, Reshade64.dll and the reshade folder and manually place them into your Grand Theft Auto V main folder.
2: install the latest enb from here ENB v0275
3: now copy the enbseries.ini and enblocal.ini from my folder "Reshade+Framework/Grand Theft Auto V" to your Grand Theft Auto V main folder.
4: now copy the reshade folder from my folders "Reshade+Framework/Grand Theft Auto V" to your Grand Theft Auto V main folder. merge and overwrite when asked.
launch gta and enjoy
WARNING!!!!! framework's ambient lighting does cause very large fps drops. up to 10 fps for me during certain times of the day depending on lighting. if it gets to be to much you can toggle off ambient lighting with the F12 key until a different time of day or location usually and then its fine. this is the only temporary solution until i can optimize the issue. if possible.
disabling unwanted effects in reshade+framework
to disable the effects you do not wish to use. go into your grand theft auto v main folder then open the reshade folder. "Grand Theft Auto V\ReShade" now open the GemFX.cfg and change the 1 in the following lines to 0 to disable them
ambient lighting
lens dirt effect linked to ambient lighting
#define AL_Lens 1
#define USE_BLOOM 1
godrays that are linked to bloom
#define USE_GODRAYS 1
Activation keys
scroll lock to toggle sweetfx coloring
F9 to toggle bloom "for reshade+framework only"
F12 to toggle ambient lighting "for reshade+framework only"
shift+F12 to toggle ENB
Screenshots taken using R*Hancher
Credits to Xilandro for this amazing timecycle mod
added additional preset for less saturation and vibrancy for Reshade+framework.
removed master effect from the reshade+sweetfx files it was basicly doing nothing in the way i had it being used. i made a mistake and thought it ran in addition to sweetfx from the main folder. this was from my error only and none of the original authors of reshade or master effect.
reshade+framework unchanged.
Screenshots using 1.8's reshade+framework
added additional preset which uses reshade+framework with beautiful results. features used in reshade+framework are
Ambient lighting with a slight lens dirt effect
bloom and godrays linked to bloom
ENB changes
ambient lighting increased in interiors and exteriors, spot lighting slightly increased.
now includes master effect.
Screenshots of 1.6
sweetfx changes: tweaked vibrance to get reds and blues to pop more without over saturating them. added hdr to give darker shadows, deeper blacks and brighter highlights.
ENB changes: tweaked sky intensity
Added optional presets for less saturation and warmer tones
Download for 1.5
Screenshots of 1.5
big changes fully reworked the presets to still get the desired effect and feel of 1.4 but more of a realisticly toned image without trashing the original image with over brightening.
Download for 1.4
screenshots of 1.4
sweetfx change: more minor adjustments to the gamma in shadowed areas at night.
Enb change: enb is now using the new lightsprite effect giving a higher definition light sprite coming from lights, and increased visibility range of the light sprites. making looking over the city at night just that much more pleasing.
sweetfx change: slight adjustment to the gamma in shadowed areas at night.
sweetfx change: minor tweaks to the highlights and shadows.
sweetfx changes: slight tweaks to coloring, saturation and improved blacks and shadows.
enb changes: water, car, chrome and window reflections slightly toned down. aswell as sky lighting tweaks and ambient lighting tweaks.
Crosire (ReShade developer)
Lucifer Hawk (GemFX developer)
CeeJay.dk (SweetFX developer)
Marty McFly (MasterEffect/McFX developer)
Ioxa and JPulowski.
ENB series
boris vorontsov
Rockstar games and the GTA modding community
GAME ON! ~Fedus
the reshade+sweetfx2.0 and reshade+framework are seperate presets only install the one you wish to use not both. reshade+sweetfx2.0 is a simple reshade that doesn't affect fps if it does it's very little if at all. the reshade+framework is a heavier load on your pc and has more effects.
screenshots on the right of the mod page are now only showcasing reshade+framework click here for Screenshots of reshade+sweetfx
Installation: for reshade+sweetfx2.0
1: manually install the reshade+sweetfx 2.0 from here reshade+sweetfx 2.0
follow the instructions for manual installation DO NOT run the reshade.exe only copy the files from the download and manually place them into your gtav folder
2: install the latest Enb from here ENB v0275
3: copy the enb series.ini and enblocal.ini from my folder "reshade+sweetfx2.0/Grand Theft Auto V" to your Grand Theft Auto V main folder.
4: now copy the sweetfx_settings from my folders "reshade+sweetfx2.0/Grand Theft Auto V/Sweetfx " to your sweetfx folder located in your Grand Theft Auto V main folder.
launch gta and enjoy
Installation: for reshade+framework
reshade+framework Screenshots
NOTE: if your updating from eye candy 1.7/reshade+sweetfx2.0 you need to remove the following files the sweetfx folder and master effect folder, mastereffect.h, sweet.fx and reshade64.dll no need to remove the d3d11.dll, d3dcompiler_46e.dll, enblightsprite.fx, enblocal.ini or enbseries.ini just skip step 2 below.
1: manually install reshade+Framework from here Reshade+Framework follow the instructions for manual installation DO NOT run the mediator.exe only copy the files ReShade.fx, Reshade64.dll and the reshade folder and manually place them into your Grand Theft Auto V main folder.
2: install the latest enb from here ENB v0275
3: now copy the enbseries.ini and enblocal.ini from my folder "Reshade+Framework/Grand Theft Auto V" to your Grand Theft Auto V main folder.
4: now copy the reshade folder from my folders "Reshade+Framework/Grand Theft Auto V" to your Grand Theft Auto V main folder. merge and overwrite when asked.
launch gta and enjoy
WARNING!!!!! framework's ambient lighting does cause very large fps drops. up to 10 fps for me during certain times of the day depending on lighting. if it gets to be to much you can toggle off ambient lighting with the F12 key until a different time of day or location usually and then its fine. this is the only temporary solution until i can optimize the issue. if possible.
disabling unwanted effects in reshade+framework
to disable the effects you do not wish to use. go into your grand theft auto v main folder then open the reshade folder. "Grand Theft Auto V\ReShade" now open the GemFX.cfg and change the 1 in the following lines to 0 to disable them
ambient lighting
lens dirt effect linked to ambient lighting
#define AL_Lens 1
#define USE_BLOOM 1
godrays that are linked to bloom
#define USE_GODRAYS 1
Activation keys
scroll lock to toggle sweetfx coloring
F9 to toggle bloom "for reshade+framework only"
F12 to toggle ambient lighting "for reshade+framework only"
shift+F12 to toggle ENB
Screenshots taken using R*Hancher
Credits to Xilandro for this amazing timecycle mod
added additional preset for less saturation and vibrancy for Reshade+framework.
removed master effect from the reshade+sweetfx files it was basicly doing nothing in the way i had it being used. i made a mistake and thought it ran in addition to sweetfx from the main folder. this was from my error only and none of the original authors of reshade or master effect.
reshade+framework unchanged.
Screenshots using 1.8's reshade+framework
added additional preset which uses reshade+framework with beautiful results. features used in reshade+framework are
Ambient lighting with a slight lens dirt effect
bloom and godrays linked to bloom
ENB changes
ambient lighting increased in interiors and exteriors, spot lighting slightly increased.
now includes master effect.
Screenshots of 1.6
sweetfx changes: tweaked vibrance to get reds and blues to pop more without over saturating them. added hdr to give darker shadows, deeper blacks and brighter highlights.
ENB changes: tweaked sky intensity
Added optional presets for less saturation and warmer tones
Download for 1.5
Screenshots of 1.5
big changes fully reworked the presets to still get the desired effect and feel of 1.4 but more of a realisticly toned image without trashing the original image with over brightening.
Download for 1.4
screenshots of 1.4
sweetfx change: more minor adjustments to the gamma in shadowed areas at night.
Enb change: enb is now using the new lightsprite effect giving a higher definition light sprite coming from lights, and increased visibility range of the light sprites. making looking over the city at night just that much more pleasing.
sweetfx change: slight adjustment to the gamma in shadowed areas at night.
sweetfx change: minor tweaks to the highlights and shadows.
sweetfx changes: slight tweaks to coloring, saturation and improved blacks and shadows.
enb changes: water, car, chrome and window reflections slightly toned down. aswell as sky lighting tweaks and ambient lighting tweaks.
Crosire (ReShade developer)
Lucifer Hawk (GemFX developer)
CeeJay.dk (SweetFX developer)
Marty McFly (MasterEffect/McFX developer)
Ioxa and JPulowski.
ENB series
boris vorontsov
Rockstar games and the GTA modding community
GAME ON! ~Fedus
Eerste Upload: 23 juni 2015
Laatst bijgewerkt: 30 augustus 2015
Laatst Gedownload: 18 uur geleden
@Euphoria are you sure ReShade(R) isnt a typo? I thought it was just ReShade
@Euphoria so i tried it, but now it wont load the effects (title not in the top left corner)
@skarmx2 -- Not sure what you mean by "ReShade(R) isn't a typo". Are you using OpenIV to copy the files to your GTA directory or just opening normal directory windows???
@Euphoria normal directory. Am i meant to use OpenIV?!
@skarmx2 -- No that's fine, I just asked because if you were using OpenIV when you drag folders, it doesn't always copy the contents of the folder with it.
I'm lost to why this isn't working for you dude, it's just a couple of files copied over, so god knows what's stopping it from working :-\
@Euphoria well i am using a cracked version. That COULD be affecting it
@skarmx2 -- Arrrh there is your issue. I tried using the cracked version for SP so I couldn't accidentally go online and get myself banned from having mods installed.
I had so many issues with mods not working, it just wasn't worth it. Almost no car/vehicle mods work properly, also police mod, or at least parts of the mods just won't work. I spent nearly 2 weeks speaking with the author of "The Pinnacle of V" overhaul mod as large parts of that mod wouldn't work and the visual parts messed up, until we finally worked out it was the cracked version causing the issues. Something about certain files can't be read and are ignored due to the crack and bypassing of the RSC registration or something like that.
@Euphoria yeah i was thinking that too. Ive gotten car mods and etc to work. And only graphics injector that works is ENB, but its enough for me. BTW do you know how to add extra shaders to ENB? Curently i only have the default ones, but its not enough.
- Very clear instruction.
- Very Colorful => different from all other mods
- I installed successfully hehehe (with a little weird: launch game => alt+ctrl+del => task manager => enter game from taskbar => ok. Otherwise: not responding error). Before that failed with other mods.
- Seem familiar with Advanced Shading&Lightining Mod 5.0 (more clearer distance)
- Of course 5 stars. Register just to vote :)
- Night not so beautiful :(
@Fedus I downloaded reshade nad enb and mdragged your files in but it wont work ://///
wait.. what's the difference between reshade+sweetfx and reshade+framework? Which one looks best?
@raffica Use reshade+sweet fx. its more common. @Fedus, I got it to work m8, GR8 mod, only makes me drop a few frames but I still get above 60fps :)
@bur587 Thanks very appreciated, sorry i wasn't able to get to your first question soon enough to help. but glad you'v got it working now. @raffica the reshade+sweetfx is alot lighter on performance but overall the colors are about the same. reshade+framework just has a few more higher end visual effects that drop fps for some people in some areas and times of day. if you have a good pc and want the best look go for framework but if you just want the coloring reshade+sweetfx is what your looking for.
@Fedus http://imgur.com/yfdUmmf wuts this???
@bur587 Wrong version of reshade i havnt updated to the latest version of reshade. you need the reshade 1.1 files found here http://www.mediafire.com/download/qzt57592861g1fv/ReShade+1.1.0f1.7z
of all the reshades ive played arround with & all there different variations I always find myself comming back to THIS. My favorite reshade + framework. Ive tweeked the ENB for a little more reflection but this reshade is awesome! thanks!
This Reshade enables me to tweak the car reflection ENB and cars look the best up to now!
When release 4K version with top top settings?
I gonna upgrade my gear ;)
I want to tweak for bright and clear reflection of object on car body, to reach or beat DF Drive preset. Is it the below:
1. sky intensity?
2. overall contrast?
If yes, what & where is the file I can tweak?
Already try all the way of
But because the sky is too bright in clear/extra/neutral weathers, so objects can not be clear and beautifully reflected.
How to extract Rockstar Editor clips with using ReShade?