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Sachez juste que je ne pouvais pas faire l'arrière de la voiture car même la template de Double Doppler ne le contenait pas vraiment ou alors c'était tout petit et j'ai pas vu.
Vous pouvez quand même reporter les défauts pour que je les corriges.
Just know that I could not make the back of the car because even the Double Doppler template did not really contain it or it was very small and I did not see it.
You can still postpone the defects so that I correct them.
@Charivari Je vais résoudre ça. Merci pour ta critique
N'hésitez pas à reporter tout les défauts !
Feel free to report any defects!
Très bien, mais l'ancienne version avait des gyros correctes donc c'est dommage
Aucune news par rapport à elle ?
Hello, I would like to know if it was possible to mix RAGE Plugin Hook and this. Genre throw LSPDFR with this mod. Anyway, super mod !!!
Hello @Israeli Sniper, you see, although I do the right technique, I still have this problem (I have no more horn or siren) so I would like to know if you can solve this problem. The link you gave us to access the second version takes us to the site's homepage. So I would like to hear from you. Thank you.
Ah well, in any case, I'm glad for you that all remarks! Besides, I would like to ask you a question: do you know how to make files in wav? It would help me a lot (to know) because I have a project that would put the sirens of all the emergency vehicles BUT from all the cities, from all the countries !!!! I know there are already packs of sirens, but not necessarily all the emergency services, and not all the cities, and not all the countries! I would do cities by cities, and if ever a country contains, for example, a national police that should patrol all over the country so (like France), I would do that too!
So, thank you for reading!
@RamGilamar, You must do: extract vehicle.awc into openformats, you will get vehicle.oac and vehicle, you must open vehicle and replace the files given by the mod by those of base vehicle. Then, in resident.rpf, you have to drag once vehicle.oac this is normal if it does not appear. Do not defragment, just, remove edit mod and close openiv. Then go to play and it will work.
Give me news!
P-S: I already had this problem, to solve it, no other way than to reinstall the game, unfortunately.
Why is it imperative that the Iron Man mod ????