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i was taking the textures from Frosty Editor, but now i can take them fgrom here, nice
but why when i try to enter in the car it crashes, and i use menyoo and at spawn setings i have the auto sit in car on but it spawns me outside of the car
sorry for the link https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsketchfab.com%2Fmodels%2F5b7b2bb1fb8b48c3a3d3df2ce89e3007%2Fembed&psig=AOvVaw3ODNVWworTfg9P3l_rj2hU&ust=1723415927060000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjhxqFwoTCMDRpeO-64cDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE
BIG FAN of NFS and i loe the Legendary Customs S14 and the R35, make the Crown Victoria, Charger, Mazda Rx-7 and the M1, if you need the Crown Victoria and the RX-7 mode you can take it from here from my Sketchfab and no, im not trying to make a scam or something, just want to see NFS models in GTA V too: https://sketchfab.com/bogdanvelia64https://sketchfab.com/bogdanvelia64
hmmm, the first screenshot background looks like the virtual space from NFS Unbound
BROO, if it's you who made the Touring from my model i will be proud of you, you take the model from BOOST7?
BROO respect for the NFS Heat Maatteo's livery and JV;s livery from MW '05
i love the k.s polestar soo much, it's soo nice but in the original game it dosen't have a difuser only in No Limits, please remove it and it will be soo much cleaner
i love the leather pants, where i download them?
can you make Ice Coaled one, pls