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@satrnv i will do that, already annouced that i think:)
@Chaach yes it is basically an altered version of zippo raids meta file with vailla recoil
so yes it will conflict - but you can use this one with the rest of zippo raids mod, iam doing it this way because i like zippos death animations
Allright guys iam currently working on the next release.
Thanks for the Video, you probalby noticed that there is only little change in shooting people in the back, iam looking into this issue.
Usally peds will fall as retarded as in vanilla when runnig with the back towards you.
@Veroken thanks for mentioning that, i am currently working on the next Version oft the mod
@Drkz yes thats a good idea, i already saw a mod that deals with this kind oft penetration, probalby i will include this
Glad you like it:)
@Galgenvogel1993 thanks for suggesting, tomorrow im going to test that:)
@Sheldon the install instructions are above that what you were reading, just replace the weapon meta file in your update rpf file. what you just read was the instruction on how the make the mod on your own or how to customize it
since I dont like the vanilla sounds too i will try to make a compatible version soon:)
i will upload a video soon, but if anyone can do it for me it would be even better thx