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Why cant you just post the fkcing screenshot of the location this page???? you said it was in some document but i watch through all of the files and readmes but couldnt find the location then i watched the videos still coudlnt find the location. if the owner is unable to help me locate the house then therefore there is no house
@81M thanks man for constantly helping its really amazing, I watched your other creations and wow I should respect you so much lol I have literally installed 80% of your houses because they look like actual real life villas/mansion and are so gorgeous. Your work is really amazing so that makes it even weirder that one of your creations isnt working for me :(. I installed the map editor from the webpage with openIV but still I have the problem with previously named objects not spawning.
wow I have literally never seen a house in gta v that looks so realistic
@81M the only way I can get the full version of Map Builder is buying a membership in Patreon :/.
@81M thanks, now it loads and its amazing although some parts are still not loading (there is no driveway and the gate wont open you have to drive through it) and also in the bottom part the grass doesnt load, but the interior loads fully and is gorgeous.
Yes I did rate it 1 star because it said: needs work and thats the exact case. I did everything exactly like you just said carefully and slowly I even wrote Mansion V1 with capital letters but now nothing loads, if you help I will be happy to change the rating to 5 because thats what the house itself deserves.
I followed all the intructions but the house spwans with most of the parts missing and no interior/windows.
what graphics mod were you using while u took the pictures?