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@Think_Tank MUCH easier. Didn't know about that. Cheers
@Blackout Yeah i'll just remove my mods folder to do it. No worries. There's more coming soon so i'll just update it then.
@Blackout That's effort, but yeah good idea
@Cass Nope, as it happens I only have your two mods haha. Strange, if I run in Direct X 10 it has no issues. Apparently that error is a common problem with GTA. So maybe just a coincidence that it happened after installing LA. Also could be the graphics cards i've got. They run the game without breaking a sweat but not really designed for gaming. I'll try it again tonight.
Last update to LA Traffic bugged it for me, crashes on start-up. Does run in safe mode but then the population sliders are at zero. And the uninstall doesn't fix it. Made a back up so no worries anyway. It gives err_gfx_d3d_init error, which is direct X isn't it? If thats any help.
Specs are; late 2014 Mac Pro, dual d700's (6Gb each), Xeon E5 6-core, Windows 10, 16gb ram.
LA Traffic working pretty good for me. Do see some crashes sometimes (The cars, not pc) but apart form that good - Specs are; late 2014 Mac Pro, dual d700's (6Gb each), Xeon E5 6-core, Windows 10, 16gb ram.
@Cass Yeah it's a shame it's not easier to modify. Having said that, apart from 1st gear in some cases the gearing isn't too bad. Like you say it's mostly cars with silly high top speeds. Adder seems spot on to me. Speaking of the F80, just realised how good the X80 looks in red!
Pleeease update man. This is by far the best handling mod imo!
Handling is dead good, 300mph+ for some cars is a little too much imo. Gearing all seems wrong to me. X80 Proto 3rd is 200mph? Even so, really nice mod. Glad to see someone still making a good handling mod.
@AtirusGaming @rappo Likewise. This is just soon standard.