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@andrew10ok @Feddepower The mod is encrypted, this is a measure to prevent resellers. The mod works fine if you access the game yourself.
@MaxLuk Not every scenario spawn immediately when you approach the area, you need patience until they can spawn, you can check the list here:
@Xire This is the only method that overrides every vanilla stuff as the traditional patchday method tends to be harder to follow and just bloats the entire game directory.
@Xire The encryption is a measure to prevent resellers from selling other people's mods without permission.
@Daddynnoob The mod is encrypted, the vehicle works fine in-game.
@CT-1628 Do you have any gameconfig mod installed? Say it if you have the name.
@jason0977 We are working on a considerably large update but it is currently on hold due to time constraints, internal issues and other priorities. We ask for your patience and understanding.
@PCgary Sorry for the late reply. Did you follow all the steps correctly? Make sure you have installed all the requirements first. If it crashes during loading the game you might have not installed a proper modded gameconfig.
@Pardalsk @Insomniac_Tv @Juannnnnnnnn The game engine doesn't spawn the scenarios 100% of the times and apparently the population density settings and memory size do influence on the chances of spawning. This is our original plans for the mod and it lists the locations where the scenarios and cargens should be:
@BOWWW We didn't want to make the pack more bloated and saturated as it already is but we did include a few SecuroServ references to the mod like the Mall Security (based on a GTAO mission), some extra patrolling scenarios with SecuroServ guards and some unmarked armored vehicle cargens as we see it more like an executive protection security company.
@Scooby271 There are instructions inside the readme file.
@click7414 There are several differences compared to that mod, this one uses partial mapping like R* did on the original police car models. The model is also an improved version with fixed normals from the Quality of Life Vehicle Fixes Pack.