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So, going thru the configuration meta files, I noticed you had a lightSetting of 119...but there isn't a file on my server that has anything remotely defining lightSetting of 119. Do you have something on your system that defines this lightSetting (not sirenSetting)?
Installed it in my fivem, but since our server runs 2944, the asi won't load saying:
[ 2406] [b2944_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Unable to load C:\Users\hightower\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\plugins\SirenSetting_Limit_Adjuster.asi - this ASI plugin does not claim to support game build 2944. If you have access to its source code, add `FX_ASI_BUILD 2944 BEGIN "\0" END` to the .rc file when building this plugin. If not, contact its maintainer.
@neogeo39 Cars look great! Per the notes in the description, I would like to request permission to use the pack in a FiveM server. Most notably just the LS Sheriff's vehicles. And I'd also like permission to use the Declasse Merit as well (reskin) and the retro plates for them, if possible. Thanks!
@YaBoiRandom No it's not. But honestly, lightbars are lightbars. It's hard to find lore lightbars that don't look like poop. :D I'm using a lore-friendly lssd pack by SergeantJhonny that looks fine to me.
Great car. However I noticed that with the 96 cvpi (haven't tested the other one yet) if you do a custom livery, only a small portion of the door is reflective, even if you included all of the bits you want reflective in the template. http://prntscr.com/u054pw
Great car. Love it. one issue on FiveM tho is that the headlights turn the wrong way, and therefore don't open. Here's a video of that in action. https://youtu.be/SFY4JqUrhc0