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@TheFriedturkey Thank you very very much. It worked
@TheFriedturkey . Thank you very much. do i have to make uv 1st channel and 2nd channel same?
@TheFriedturkey . Can you please tell me how to fix blood map? is it telated to UV map,vertex, or?
@alex189 . Alex i want to fix my model blood maps. how do i do it? is it linked to uv maps?
please tell me. thank you
Bentar bro..
Bleh gan
udah tamat apa belum game ny gan? coba tamatin dlu deh.. nanti kpasang sendiri frame ny...
yang dgambar agan kyaknya pas baru baru dpat rmah.. klo gk salah...
@opalino cba screenshot ruangan Franklin yg di game agan... yg krang frame apanya gan?
cba trurtin lagi tutorial ane.. udah ane baikin