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  • Gtav76

    This is a great tool. Thanks. Going to have fun with this when I have some free time. Regarding the error above, that's ok I'm not one of those ppl who duplicate every single x.rpf in mods. I just have the ones i customize in my mods folder which explains the File not found.

    Still would like to know how to use this from a terminal. Do not like UI's like Swagger. Would much prefer a python environment with Gradio

    8 uur geleden
  • Gtav76

    Nevermind, I'll figure it out by myself. Using Get /api/download-files
    , it's scanning all the files now, has been doing it for minutes. holy crap it's taking forever lol.
    [CONFIG] Loaded config from Config/userconfig.json
    [DEBUG] Searching for file in RPF: x64c.rpf/levels/gta5/props/lev_des.rpf/prop_alien_egg_01.ydr
    [DEBUG] File not found in RPF: x64c.rpf/levels/gta5/props/lev_des.rpf/prop_alien_egg_01.ydr
    warn: RpfService[0]
    File not found in RPF: x64c.rpf/levels/gta5/props/lev_des.rpf/prop_alien_egg_01.ydr
    warn: CodeWalker.API.Controllers.DownloadController[0]
    File ' x64c.rpf/levels/gta5/props/lev_des.rpf/prop_alien_egg_01.ydr' not found.

    8 uur geleden
  • Gtav76

    @flobros I can get to this http://localhost:5555/index.html and see the API interface. LOL. Just realized it is swagger.
    but my question is can I use this with cmd, powershell, or vscode terminal?
    for example, based on your github
    curl "http://localhost:5555/api/download-files?fullPaths=x64c.rpf/levels/gta5/props/lev_des.rpf/prop_alien_egg_01.ydr&xml=true&outputFolderPath=C:\\GTA_FILES"

    8 uur geleden
  • Gtav76

    @flobros. Really don't want to install Swagger before doing some testing. This work or doesn't work from CMD?
    I have to control c out.
    [INFO] Loading RPF decryption keys...
    [INFO] RPF decryption keys loaded successfully.
    info: Program[0]
    API is starting on port 5555...
    info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[14]
    Now listening on:
    info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
    Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
    info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
    Hosting environment: Production
    info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
    Content root path: C:\Users\J2020\Desktop\5af8ad-CodeWalker.API
    info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
    Application is shutting down...

    8 uur geleden
  • Gtav76

    Modding GTA Enhanced is now properly implemented and thanks to @Qwinty for reminder to add section on how to convert Legacy mods to Enhanced although this is still a new and largely untested process. You can get RPF explorer, one of the components of Code Walker, on their discord. More advanced users who know how to git clone and compile can also get the new CW on github. Links below:

    10 uur geleden
  • Gtav76

    @Qwinty Thanks for sharing your findings. It's a great start. From the little credible info out there, and I emphasize little, i've read that both textures and drawables are different between the 2 versions. Obviously if you were successful in doing a replace vehicle you should be ok to manually create the rpf. Good stuff! I'll prepare an update after i compile the CW source and do a few tests. I have a feeling, given the lack of standards with addons in general, that this might be hit or miss, at least the dev leaders are progressing.

    13 uur geleden
  • Gtav76

    @Anas0133 There's really nothing there, all he is doing is drawing sprites on the screen.

    22 uur geleden
  • Gtav76

    @skeeze415 Yeah, I apologize. In my rush to get this out I forgot about the Enhanced section and put this under Extras. I pinned it in the comments, but it's not obvious up there.

    22 uur geleden
  • Gtav76

    @Qwinty I haven't tested it yet because I'm not sure if its ready from some of the comments i saw on the gtaforums. It was taken off this site, it was at:

    1 dag geleden
  • Gtav76

    @Anas0133 Everyone is moving towards Enhanced which is kinda crazy because so many mods and scripts will need to be converted and by the time that gets done GTA VI will be here. I'll probably do one final version of this mod but to get back to your requests, SP is so limited compared to FiveM. When I downloaded your link and I saw the HTML and the fact is was database's frustrating that to simulate that in SP would take so much effort.

    1 dag geleden