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@EddyYo 在这里拉出来原这个垃圾玩意,简直侮辱GTA,游戏界要都是原神这种货色,那才真的是游戏界的灾难。
@MoYuTWT 原神自研引擎?你确定没有国外势力参与,你太天真了,国内有哪些重要的东西是自己完全自研的,心里应该有点数,当时也是因为原神的广告做的很厉害,所以就试了试,玩了一个月,完全不像是在玩游戏,天天逼着你做任务,攒原石,抽卡,每次的活动都是特别幼稚的玩意,换汤不换药,感觉每天不像是在玩游戏,像是被游戏玩了,卸载之后感觉人整个精神都好了不少。我看到几个青少年天天玩这个,都是精神萎靡不振,脸色苍白,整个游戏界要都是这玩意,那才是游戏界的悲哀,坚决抵制这种诱导式氪金的垃圾玩意。
@pie314159 I agree with a patriotic heart. Thank you. This is what you and I learned today. Please forgive my offence
@pie314159 Of course, I have read the Constitution of the People's Republic of China. It is only valid for the ordinary people of China. It is invalid for the government. They can do whatever they want. This is the knowledge you need to learn. Do you have the right to vote, do you have the right to know, these are all contained in the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, so have you learned any knowledge today?
@pie314159 The Chinese people know nothing about it. They have no right to know and vote. Don't let others misunderstand the Chinese because of this. The CPC did this, and the Chinese people cannot be held accountable
@skyfLicker Sorry, I'm talking about the Chinese people. They don't know anything about this matter. They don't have the right to know and vote. We can't let others misunderstand the Chinese people because of this matter. The CPC did this, and we can't let the Chinese people bear the blame
Please correct. This is very important. The spy balloon was released by the Communist Party of China, not China. Because the Chinese people do not agree to release the balloon, they have no right to know and vote. Please accept the apology. I am ashamed of the regime.
@pie314159 He really wrote wrong. He can't write Chinese balloons, but CPC balloons
This "wandering balloon" is really good, but it needs to be corrected here. It should be called the Communist spy balloon rather than the Chinese balloon, because the Chinese people do not know its existence. Our people are sorry for this.
说错了 我的 版本是 1.54