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@Elvenefris True that! Enjoy! :D
@Elvenefris Weird. You are the first one to say this. Are you sure you have ScriptHook AND ScriptHookDotNET installed in their latest versions? This mod has no other dependencies than v1.0 of .NET. Should go without error: Download both, create a "scripts" folder in your GTA5 directory and then drop all the files and folders from my mod into there and start the game. Should work right away.
@-Hooli-G4n- volume: there is ongoing, rather widespread, problem with GTA5 that the volume is way too low for this game. Even at max volume on everything i only get 25% peaks on my volume meter (windows mixer). Many have reported this, also directly to rockstar, but there was no statement yet other than "update your drivers". Thats why i leveled the sounds to that output, guessing everyone has that issue. Well.. it was better to try that way than to release sounds that are way too loud. I will add two versions of the sound and you can then try the other set with normal volumes and see if that works better for you.
@Pedge don't know yet. i just come up with random stuff that i think is cool and then try everything i can to make it happen. lol :D
@Nabuhris Not missing per se. The file is always created upon launch with all the default settings if it is missing which is why i don't include it. Also because of compatibility with future updates. If you have tweaked your config you wouldn't want to overwrite it every time. Thats why i also implemented a "merge" functionality that will simply "upgrade" your old config.
@Pedge somehow i missed your comment anyway. lol. btw, cool domain name. might tune in some time
@whitehot1 hmm.. i might get into vehicles and stuff with a new version of scripthook.NET. there are some things in the works that could help me out. What you suggest sounds amazing but would need a rewrite of the current system. i think i will go with the current concept until then and explore some more.
@Vanilla Thank you!! I love tinkering on this. There are so many possibilties. It's like a sandbox in a sandbox. ^^
PS: i am missing the classic "wasted" sound. The slowmo is so boring. I think i will just throw it in for giggles. :)
@hotwiredburge Thanks! i will look into it! And animals don't reward points, but that's by design.
@gilbert_at then you will love the "premeditation" feature. It rewards patience :)
@-Hooli-G4n- New release is queued for update. With Headshot and Headhunter! :)
@gilbert_at With difficulty i was talking about the frequency someone receives these special rewards. In Unreal Tournament it really wasn't so common to get them, because you had to survive in a very small arena pitted against other human players which only job was to kill you (and reset your bonus counter). It is hard to translate that kind of tension into a sandbox open world game if there is no other deciding factor than "kill x amount" - and they are probably not even shooting back.
@gilbert_at Hmm. How about both? :D I also like the idea of getting a bonus for fast movers (jets, etc..).
@-Hooli-G4n- Yes! I used to write mods for Unreal Tournament so i know these well. Reason i didn't add these Killing Sprees yet is because the chance that you die before you get >20 kills are not as high as it would be in UT. Nobody is really hunting you and if you never go past 2 stars you can kill indefinitely and never be in any danger to loose the spree. I think that takes away the thrill of gaining these rewards. We should try to think about other ways to implement them so it is a bit more difficult and therefore more exciting to achieve them.
@Nabuhris Possibly.. i haven't fought with the military as much. Looks like there are many different models that count as military. My list is probably very incomplete in that category because of this. Will get better over time.