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@Alex106 Love this mod, I can't even imagine the work you put on these mods. I just want to thank you on behalf of modding community
@HKH191 After some researching i found out the issue, Enable All Interiors does not work with DNX's map mods
@HKH191 I keep falling through the map with the latest version. I got LemonUI, I even followed a video to see if installed everything properly. Anything that might interfere?
@AUSSIE_LAD_96 it should, if not. Try dragging the openalllinteriors files out of the game directory and see if it makes a difference. I don't know what mods you're using, so it could also be caused by something else. That's just what worked for me
@AUSSIE_LAD_96 found the issue do you have openallinterior installed? it causes trees to be in middle of the road
@M4dC4tss I used it once on online somehow, but it was with a fivem sound pack (don't recommend risking btw)
Why isn't this in the base game. Tho I do admit the road to paleto is little weird for a town like that. The exit and entry shouldn't rise up in elevation, and it should be more on the ground level. But I also get that GTA5's map is hard to adapt roads connections
@ethan the 10 car crash
@XavierTheSniper love the work especially on Streamer216x, I have a suggestion can u do an unarmed Tula but still has VTOL and Being able to Land in the Water. Keep up the good work.
@FORX you should put lore friendly as one of the tags