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7 uploads
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@Axel_Blitz Yes, it comes with manual installation.
@arkieFPS The videos uploaded are all the newest versions.
@sharpeye0163 The shotgun sound was actually the second gun sound I made for this sound pack more than a year ago, but I never bothered to change it since I never got any complaints, but I'll look into it. Thanks haha!
I already rated the Euphoria mod 5 stars, but this one deserves it too, as nearly all of the mods you have made are my favourites, and I appreciate all the time you put into them. :)
@Nighttx Thanks! I feel like all the weapons that are added are the ones that are most frequently used, so I haven't really thought about adding more.
@rexzi jakubb#7773
@SantosBR Contact me on discord. But to explain shortly you need to ArchiveFix it.
@chaaandree Replace your weapons.meta with the vanilla one.
@Botboy09 First of all, I doubt it crashes your game, but if it really does, just contact me on discord.
As I said already.
Search up the weapon name and go down until you find WeaponFlags and then put OnlyFireOneShotPerTriggerPress at the end of the flags.