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  • Gtao62

    Awesome job man, I know you put a lot of work into this. I do have one suggestion: maybe a version of the map without the static vehicles in the garage so users can have more space? The best scenario would be to make them driveable but I don't know how feasible that would be. Either way, thanks for sharing with the community!

    6 januari 2020
  • Gtao62

    @RikuIan unfortunately any script that modifies the pitch of the gameplay camera borks the flying animation. And it only happens for that specific animation lol. If anyone can find another good animation where the hammer is held up like that, I can change it
    @WirriumDank this script doesn't rely on anything that can break between updates, so it shouldn't be outdated, in that sense. Irrklang is crashing for a small amount of users on my radio script as well so it's hard to pinpoint why. Personally I haven't had any crashes but it could be due to using an older (2014) version of irrklang

    14 augustus 2019
  • Gtao62

    @JohnnyTurbo Do any errors show up in the scripthookvdotnet log? My first guess is it's something to do with the models, so maybe create a test profile (just make a copy of one of the included profiles and rename it) and change the ped model to a story character via the menu, then check if it spawns an ally/enemy without issues. Although if you're able to play with a custom model then the issue lies somewhere else.
    It could also be a memory issue (maybe the model you're using has a lot of polygons) although that kind of error would typically crash the whole game and not just the script

    14 augustus 2019
  • Gtao62

    @JohnnyTurbo thanks, but sadly gta modding is paused for now. From what I recall, the ally/enemy feature is barebones and works to some degree but doesn't play nicely with some peds as it relies on relationships between ped and player, which can be modified by other scripts and/or the relationships.dat file and thus cause issues

    14 augustus 2019
  • Gtao62

    @big dude Sorry mate, probably not going to happen for a long time. Modding is paused at the moment
    @taomuonanga For now, only option is to hold SHIFT or Right bumper (controller) to increase/decrease numbers quickly, or edit the xml directly and reload the script. Or use the Handling editor by ikt

    14 augustus 2019
  • Gtao62

    @GeroX In the setting.ini file, change ENABLE WHEEL SLOWMOTION = True to
    ENABLE WHEEL SLOWMOTION = False, save your changes, and try again. No idea why it does this for a select few. might be a script conflict.

    24 april 2019
  • Gtao62

    @Arensnuphra Did you try what I suggested?
    Any error in scripthookvdotnet.log?

    14 april 2019
  • Gtao62

    @yumcha Any script that uses a certain function (_CLAMP_GAMEPLAY_CAM_PITCH) seems to mess up the flying in this script. I'll have to make a custom camera but other mods which do the same can mess it up too.. I'll think of another workaround eventually
    @Arensnuphra Sounds like the script is endlessly searching for the model. Try using the model via the addon peds script first to make sure it is installed correctly. If addon peds loads the model then go to any profile in the thor script and navigate to Misc Settings -> Save Current Ped to save that model to that profile

    14 april 2019
  • Gtao62

    @ anyone interested: Looks like I'll be moving some changes into the old codebase for this script, as I don't think I have enough free time to finish the new one soon (it's more than just Cap abilities). I've just pushed an update to the Thor script, so this script will be next.

    9 april 2019
  • Gtao62

    @Brandoman Also to answer your last comment: that is possible, and I've (sort of) had plans to incorporate this, but of course, life and responsibilities interfere lol

    12 maart 2019